Site Surveys

DMT can provide site surveys for the customer.   A site survey is an evaluation of a customer’s site for determining the type and placement of security sensors that will optimize performance.  Available funds, the threat, operations, redundancy, maintenance requirements, and the size of the property greatly influence the final configuration.

A site survey can be done using programs such as Google Earth and other mapping programs suchs as ESRI, or in person.   DMT site surveys are not only conducted to determine radar locations, but cameras, non-lethal response equipment (directed sound, water cannons), communication, mounting platforms, and command centers are also considered.   Please contact for more information!

  • Introduction (describes the site and project, equipment planned, and introduces site survey survey team) 
  • Deliverables (if a contract has already been issued)
  • Risk Assessment (who or what is the threat and weaknesses of the site)
  • Requirements (relates requirements to equipment and quantities)
  • Site Map (show sensor locations and coverage areas)
  • Performance Factors (discusses placement versus performance, maintenance, and all assumptions)
  • Recommendations
  • Dictionary and Appendices
  • Qualifications of Site Surveyor
  • Points of Contact (for the site surveyor and other people that have provided advice)

If DMT is contracted to provide sensors, then 1/2 the fees mentioned above will be refunded to the customer (excluding travel).

DMT can provide site surveys for border programs, VIP facilities, prisons, oil and gas sites and pipelines, nuclear and power plants, railways, ports and harbors, and more. DMT site surveyors have TWIC cards.   DMT also has site surveyors that speak French, Arabic, German,  and more.